Dracula Synopsis:

    The Gothic novel Dracula by Bram Stoker is based upon the 1800’s and the interesting topic, vampires. Dracula is about an English man named Jonathan Harker. Jonathan Harker went to Transylvania to deal with real estate with Count Dracula. Dracula, known as the vampire in this novel, lives in a castle. However, when Dracula sees a picture of Jonathan’s wife, he thinks it’s another form of his bride that committed suicide. Therefore, Dracula locks Jonathan inside of the castle, with no way out.
    For a while, Dracula told Jonathan to write to his wife and stay in the castle. However, Jonathan finds many evil, strange, and weird things around Dracula’s home such as an underground tunnel, a room that was never used with dusty furniture and any lights, and mirrors that were shattered. Therefore, one night Jonathan saw Dracula crawl out of his bedroom window down to the ground. Suspicious as he was, he was found in the castle by three vampires (all were unnamed) that tried their best to seduce him. When Dracula arrives back and Jonathan explains what happened, Dracula makes him believe that he has gone mad.
     However, back in England, Jonathan Harker’s fiancée, Mina Murray, was having some troubles of her own. Mina’s best friend, Lucy Westenra, was proposed to by three gentlemen in the same day: Quincey Morris, Arthur Holmwood, and Dr. John Seward. The man she chose was Arthur Holmwood. Later on, Lucy became very ill and sick during the same time that her mother died. When Jonathan came back to England, thinking that he was free of Dracula, he was wrong. Lucy Westenra, a very close friend to Mina and Jonathan, was visited by smoky fogs late at night in her bedroom, howling of wolves, a bat scratching at her bedroom window, and sleep walking; all signs of the vampire, Count Dracula. She starts to get vampire characteristics and she becomes weak and frail. When she finished becoming a vampire, she desired to suck the blood out of her husband, Arthur Holmwood. So, a professor named Van Helsing, who knew all about superstitious and violent studies about vampires, asked Jonathan to help him get rid of the "Un-dead" life. Van Helsing and Jonathan Harker cut off Lucy’s head, stuff her mouth with garlic, and put a crucifix around her neck, and she dies. The group Jonathan, Van Helsing, Dr. Seward, Quincey Morris, Arthur, and even Mina then decide to track down Dracula. 
    The group tries to track down Dracula to destroy him, Mina becomes ill and weak, just like Lucy had done before. As Mina begins to become a vampire, Van Helsing is able to hypnotize her in order to get Dracula’s location. Once they get his location, they set out to go to Dracula‘s castle. Even though Mina was sick and was changing into a vampire rapidly, she was able to help the group cleanse Dracula’s castle by killing the three female vampires that tried to seduce Jonathan in the beginning. They also covered the entrances with sacred things like garlic, holy wafers, crucifixes, and so on. When Dracula arrives to his castle, he cannot get inside because of the things that surrounded it. This gives Jonathan and Quincey have a better advantage in killing Dracula while the others fight off the gypsies that followed. Jonathan and Quincey destroy Dracula with knives. However, in the end, Quincey gets stabbed in the back by one of the gypsies leading him to his own death as well. 

    In Dracula, the theme of the novel is "your eternal life is of greater importance to your physical life". What this means is by being something you’re not, for example a vampire, there is no salvation. Van Helsing said "But of the most blessed of all, when this now Un-dead be made to rest as true dead, then the soul of the poor lady whom we love shall again be free." Helsing said this when Lucy Westenra turned into a vampire and they had to kill her. Thus than leading me to believe that "your eternal life is of greater importance to your physical life" is the theme of the classic novel Dracula

    Also, Dracula is a classic. It’s a classic because the time in which it was written affects the way that the characters talk and act, timely. Despite it being timely, the novel is still readable in style. Even though, the characters, settings, and actions are not as modern as today, it is still an enjoyable and readable novel. "Where his body has gone why may not another body go?" I would recommend this novel for adults or teenagers to read. The novel goes into a lot of detail when it comes to the setting and/or characters. However, some events can be suspenseful and others dry. One thing that I disliked about this novel was how it could suddenly change narrators or the perspective of which the character was talking. All in all, the novel kept you interested and wanting more until the end.