

Vocab throughout the book of....Dracula...

Picturesque (adjective): Having pleasing or interesting qualities; strikingly effective in appearance. “Which I had of the inn yard and its crowd of picturesque figures…”

Foliage (noun): The leaves of a plant, collectively; leafage. “As they stood round the wide archway, with its background of rich foliage of oleander and orange trees…”

Oleander (noun): A poisonous shrub. “,…foliage and oleander and orange trees in the green tubs clustered in the centre of the yard.”

Engendered (verb): To produce, cause, or give rise to. “Which carried on the thoughts and grim fancies engendered earlier in the evening…”

Bestrewed (verb): To strew or cover a surface and/or scatter about. “…great masses of greyness which here and there bestrewed the trees, produced a peculiarly weird and solemn effect…”

Expostulate (verb): To reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done. "He has at present such a quantity that I have had myself to expostulate."

Disgorged (verb): To eject or throw out from the throat, mouth, or stomach; vomit forth."The attendant has just been to see me to say that Renfield has been very sick and has disgorged a whole lot of feathers."

Cumulative (adjective): Growing in quantity, strength, or effect by successive additions or gradual steps
. "What he desires is to absorb as many lives as he can, he has laid himself out to achieve it in a cumulative way."

Obsequious (adjective): Showing obedience; Dutiful. "...or blessed-with something of his own obsequious suavity."

Suavity (noun): Courteous as actions o
r manners. "...his own obsequious suavity."

Memoranda (noun): Short note designating something to be remembered, especially something to be done or acted upon in the future; reminder. "-only some letters and a few memoranda, and a diary new begun."

Emaciated (adjective): Abnormally thin. "It was terribly weak, and looked quite emaciated."
Inquisition (noun):
An official investigation. “…and we can then better enter on our inquisition.”

Dainty (adjective): Of delicate
beauty. “…lest I might miss my guest, when a sweet-faced, dainty looking girl stepped up to me,…”

Tacit (adjective): Unvoiced or unspoken, silent; saying nothing. “The blush that rose to my own cheeks somehow set us both at ease, for it was a tacit answer to her own.”

Parcel (noun): An object, article, container, or quantity of something wrapped or packed up. “As they saw the parcel he realized my meaning.”

Faltered (verb): To hesitate or waver in action, purpose, intent. “I have not faltered in giving every thought of my own heart in this cause.”

Atonement (noun): Satisfaction, reparation, or expiation given for an injury or wrong. “May I make the only atonement in my power?”

Reticent (adjective): Disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved. reluctant or restrained. “…for she herself has become reticent on the subject,…”

Untenanted (noun): An occupant or inhabitant of any place. “The house looked as though it had been long untenanted.”

Repugnant (adjective): Distasteful, objectionable, or offensive. “…or else the very subject seems to have become repugnant to her,…”

Cunning (noun): Skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving; craftiness. “He suddenly stopped and the old cunning look spread over his face, like a wind sweep the surface of the water.”

Antagonism (noun): An active hostility or opposition, as between unfriendly or conflicting groups. “I think that through the cloudiness of his insanity he saw some antagonism in me,..”

Despondently (adjective): Feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom. “For a few moments he sat despondently.”
