Bram Stoker wrote Dracula in first person and is a Gothic novel. He also describes everything in very great detail and uses imagery to get the reader closer to the novel. However, the writing and/or use of dialogue is authentic since the time period is not from now.
    I like Bram Stoker's way of writing because it is creative, descriptive, and interesting. Also, because it was written in an authentic sense, the novel can get confusing. However, the way he uses imagery is different and unique.
4/27/2011 02:23:27 am

4/27/2011 02:28:31 am

I read your blog on the style of your author and found it interesting how flowery his novels are, and how much imagery he uses. I think i would be a little hesitant to read your book considering your review of it, but i believe that he seems like a very unique writer and even though his floweriness may come across as too much and become confusing he seems like a brilliant and one of a kind writer.

4/28/2011 01:18:06 am

do you think that authors that are more descriptive and "flowery" have better stories or do you think that it makes the story less interesting? my author also had a VERY descriptive style of writing. he would go on so much about one thing that you wouldn't even know what he was talking about. do you feel the same?

Taylor Nuse
4/28/2011 01:25:04 am

I think books with more detail can be better to a certain point. From what you are saying it seems like the book was not too decsriptive to where it is boring but just right. That's just how my book "In Cold Blood" is. The book is detailed but not boring. It helps you imagine what is going on in the book and have a clear image in your haad.


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